Kotlin 2.0.0


With the release of Kotlin 2.0.0 a lot of new tech had been uncovered and has become stable for devs to to use.

I was especially excited, as I wanted to see what new features Kotlin was getting. I was hoping to see if Jetpack Compose would be mentioned one way or another in this release and if so in what capacity.

I will be covering items that have made me feel excited!

Key Points

  • Point 1: Kotlin K2 Compiler
    • Strong benchmarks for build times
    • Language feature improvements
    • Impactful smart cast improvements
  • Point 2: New Compose Compiler Plugin
    • New Compose compiler Gradle plugin
  • Point 3: Experimental Power-Assert Compiler Plugin
    • This will help with unit testing
  • Point 4: Extensible Data Arguments
    • Although coming in 2.2.0 is worthy of mentioning
  • Point 5: Guarded Conditions
    • Will help with when conditions
  • Point 6: Context-Sensitive Resolution
    • Will eliminate the need to reference the base class for enum and sealed classes in when conditions

Kotlin K2 Compiler

  • With the release of Kotlin 2.0.0, the new Kotlin K2 compiler is used by default and is stable for all target platforms.

  • The K2 compiler brings major performance improvements, speeds up new language feature development, unifies all platforms that Kotlin supports, and provides better architecture for Multiplatform Projects.

  • The K2 compiler introduces extremely fast build times. All comparisons were done with version 1.9.23.

    1. Up to 94% compilation speed gains for clean builds
    2. Up to 488% faster on initialization phase
    3. Up to 376% faster in the analysis phase
  • To get the full K2 experience use the K2 Mode plugin

    • Using K2 mode on IntelliJ and Android Studio you have to be on version 2024.2.
  • Smartcast improvements:

    • In Kotlin 2.0.0, if you combine type checks for objects with an or operator (||), a smart cast is made to their closest common supertype. Before this change, a smart cast was always made to the Any type.
    • Previously if you had a nullable variable type you would only be able to smartcast it within the scope of the if expression which evaluated it to not null. This information would not be spread outside of that scope. From Kotlin 2.0.0, if you declare a variable before using it in your ifwhen, or while condition, then any information collected by the compiler about the variable will be accessible in the corresponding block for smart-casting.

New Compose Compiler Plugin

  • The Jetpack Compose compiler, that converts composables to Kotlin code, has now been merged into the Kotlin repository.
    • This will help transition Compose projects to Kotlin 2.0.0, as the compiler will always ship with Kotlin.
    • This also bumps the Compose compiler to version 2.0.0.

Experimental Power-Assert Compiler Plugin

  • A testing plugin that generates failure messages that include intermediate values of the assertion expression.
  • When an assertion fails in a test, the improved error message shows the values of all the variables and subexpressions within the assertion.
  • This makes it clear which part of the condition causes failure.
  • By default, it transforms assert() function calls but can also transform other functions, such as require()check(), and assertTrue().
  • Example error message provided by the plugin
Incorrect length
assert(hello.length == world.substring(1, 4).length) { "Incorrect length" }
       |     |      |  |     |               |
       |     |      |  |     |               3
       |     |      |  |     orl
       |     |      |  world!
       |     |      false
       |     5
// build.gradle.kts
plugin {
	kotlin("multiplatform") version "2.0.0"
	kotlin("plugin.power-assert") version "2.0.0"
powerAssert {
	functions = listOf("kotlin.assert", "kotlin.test.assertTrue", "kotlin.test.assertEquals", "kotlin.test.assertNull")
  • Since it’s experimental you will have to use this annotation
    • @OptIn(ExperimentalKotlinGradlePluginApi::class)

For more information about Power Assert

Extensible Data Arguments

  • Though is not confirmed, is a pretty exciting potential new addition to Kotlin.
  • dataarg similar to varargs but for data classes.

Guarded Conditions

  • Used to help us check multiple conditions within a when block without repeating the variable name.
  • Also allows for if conditions on to the branches of when statments.
  • Previous implementation:
val searchPanel = SelectedSearchPanel
when {
	searchPanel is SearchPanel.NewsPanel && !searchPanel.isBlocked -> item { NewsResult() }
	searchPanel is SearchPanel.SpeakersPanel -> item {...}
	searchPanel is SearchPanel.TalksPanel -> item {...}
  • Kotlin 2.0.0
when(searchPanel = SelectedSearchPanel) {
	is SearchPanel.NewsPanel if !searchPanel.isBlocked -> {...}
	is SearchPanel.SpeakersPanel -> {...}
	is SearchPanel.TalksPanel -> {...}

Context-Sensitive Resolution

  • This is coming out in Kotlin 2.2.0.
  • This adds on to what we previously discussed, by no longer requiring you to add the base class to your sealed types or enums.
  • So going of the previous example we can completely remove the SearchPanel base class as follows.
when(searchPanel = SelectedSearchPanel) {
	is NewsPanel if !searchPanel.isBlocked -> {...}
	is SpeakersPanel -> {...}
	is TalksPanel -> {...}


  • Excluding speculated features like dataargs, these additions will help cut down on build times, add cleanliness to our code, and remove pain points that were there previously.
  • I am very excited to try these out in my projects, as the highlighted features code issues that I have come across while trying to write clean and concise code.
