What are they?

  • MVVM = Model View View Model , MVI = Model View Intent
  • They are both presentational patterns
    • Meant to separte your presentation layer into different parts

What is the model?

  • The implement the business rules and business logic
  • They implement project wide requirements
    • Ex:
    • data class User(
        val id: Int,
        val name: String,
        val email: String
  • These data classes are models and are shared between both MVVM and MVI

What is the view?

  • The view would also be the same and it would be a composable or an XML view

ViewModel vs Intent?

  • MVVM has ViewModel as a part of it’s abbreviation and MVI has Intent

    • Though on Android they will both most likey both be done with a viewmodel.
  • The job of the viewmodel is to contain state mapping logic

    • It processes incoming UI actions like a button click or refresh swipe and then decides based on the action how the state looks like afterwards. Like showing loading indicator which really dumbs down the view.
  • The model, the view, and the viewmodel(in most cases) is the same between both patterns.

So what is the difference?

MVVM has multiple state fields, vs MVI which has one state field or a single source of truth.

Example MVVM

class MvvmViewModel(
   private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle): ViewModel() {
   var postDetails by mutableStateOf<Post?>(null)
      private set
   var isLoading by mutableStateOf(false)
      private set
   var isPostLiked by mutableStateOf(false)
      private set
   init {
      savedStateHandle.get<String>("postId")?.let { postId ->
fun MvvmScreen(
   postDetails: Post?,
   isLoading: Boolean,
   isPostLiked: Boolean,
   onToggleLike: () -> Unit,
   onBackCLick: () -> Unit

Example MVI

class MvvmViewModel(
   private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle): ViewModel() {
   var state by mutableStateOf(MviState())
      private set
   init {
      savedStateHandle.get<String>("postId")?.let { postId ->
   fun onAction(action: Action){
      when(action) {
         MviAction.ToggleLike -> toggleLike()
         else -> Unit
   fun toggleLike(){
         state.update { prevState->
            prevState.copy(isliked = !prevState.isLiked)
data class MviState(
   val postDetails: Post? = null,
   val isLoading: Boolean = false,
   val isPostLiked: Boolean = false,
   val email: String = "",
   val isEmailValid: Boolean
sealed interface MviAction {
   data object ToggleLike: MviAction
   data object GoBack: MviAction
fun MviScreen(
   state: MviState,
   onAction: (MviAction) -> Unit


The diffrence is state encapsulation and the way the state is packaged and delivered to the view.

What would I be choosing and why?

MVI - Because it allows for state encapsulation and much more legible code. It’s also a lot more predictible due to the single source of truth.